Say goodbye to crib tears! - 😴 No more crying

I understand how challenging it can be when your little one resists sleeping in their crib. The good news is that there are strategies you can try to help ease this transition and encourage your 18-month-old son to sleep in his crib without tears. Here are some tips that may help:

1. Create a consistent bedtime routine: Establishing a predictable routine can signal to your child that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Include activities such as a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. Consistency is key, so try to follow the same routine every night.

2. Make the crib a familiar and inviting space: Ensure that the crib is a comfortable and safe environment for your son. Use soft bedding, such as a fitted sheet, and consider adding a familiar blanket or stuffed animal for comfort. You can also try placing a worn shirt of yours in the crib to provide a familiar scent.

3. Gradually transition to the crib: If your son is used to sleeping in your bed or another sleep surface, it may be helpful to transition him to the crib gradually. Start by having him nap in the crib during the day, and then gradually increase the amount of time he spends in the crib at night. This gradual approach can help him feel more comfortable and secure in his new sleep space.

4. Offer reassurance and comfort: When your son is in his crib, provide reassurance and comfort to help him feel secure. You can sit next to the crib and offer soothing words, gentle pats, or a comforting touch. Avoid picking him up or taking him out of the crib, as this may reinforce the idea that crying leads to being removed from the crib.

5. Use positive sleep associations: Introduce positive sleep associations that your son can associate with the crib. For example, you can use a special sleep sack or a favorite bedtime toy that is only used during sleep time in the crib. These associations can help create a positive connection with the crib and make it a more appealing place to sleep.

6. Be patient and consistent: It's important to remember that change takes time, and your son may need some time to adjust to sleeping in his crib. Stay consistent with your approach and be patient. Consistency will help him understand the new expectations and eventually feel more comfortable in his crib.

Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. If you've tried these strategies consistently for a few weeks and your son is still struggling to sleep in his crib without crying, it may be helpful to consult with a pediatric sleep consultant or your child's healthcare provider for additional guidance.

I hope these tips help you and your son navigate this transition successfully. Remember, you're not alone, and with time and patience, your little one will adjust to sleeping in his crib.

Laura Bennett
Baby sleep patterns, Sleep training, Parenting, Child development, Pediatric health

Laura Bennett is a certified pediatric sleep consultant with over a decade of experience. She is passionate about helping new parents navigate the often daunting world of baby sleep. Laura's advice is grounded in research and her own experiences as a mother of two.